Template Instructions

1) Download template of your choice

2) Open template in the latest software version

3) When designing, place all art on its own layer

4) Do not use any CAD spot colors from the library as they will be automatically removed from the print imposition file and will not appear on your final printed piece

5) Use high res CMYK graphics

6) Embed all art

7) Once you are certain you will not need to make any type changes, outline all fonts

8) Be mindful of glue knockout and folding areas

9) Include 0.125 bleed on all sides

10) Do not alter any art on the Dieline layer

11) Keep Dieline as top layer

12) Save out as PDF with Bleeds

13) Upload your PDF to the site

14) Review 3D and PDF proofs

15) Approve proofs for production

16) Job enters Superior production workflow